Brunov's blog

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Brunov's blog

FreeBSD, QtCreator: debugging helper missing

2013-05-05 18:00:41 Moscow time

After installing QtCreator on FreeBSD 9.1, I've tried debugging a simple Qt GUI application.
I set a breakpoint and started debugging. I've got the message:

Debugging Helper Missing

The debugger could not load the debugging helper library.

The debugging helper is used to nicely format the values of some Qt and Standard Library data types. It must be compiled for each used Qt version separately. In the Qt Creator Build and Run preferences page, select a Qt version, expand the Details section and click Build All.

Root cause:


  1. Install devel/gdb. It is installed to /usr/local/bin/gdb. Also, try the Python check for this version of gdb as described above.

  2. Run QtCreator, go Tools => Options => Build & Run => Kits => Debugger, use Manage... button.

    Use the following settings:

    • Engine: GDB Engine
    • Binary: /usr/local/bin/gdb

After completing these steps, QtCreator stops at breakpoints just fine.

Tags: freebsd gdb python qtcreator